
你觉得x光迷人吗? 这项技术改变了医疗的方式. We can now diagnose the inside of the human body without ever touching the skin. 欢迎来到放射技术的世界! 在这里, you learn how to use electromagnetic rays to get job training snapshots of a person's insides to check for critical medical diagnoses.

学分 121
  • 一般的放射线技师
  • 乳房x光检查
  • 介入技术



在这个节目中, 你将学习解剖学, 病人定位, 检查技术, 设备协议, 辐射安全, 辐射防护, 基本的病人护理. 从上面的句子中可以很明显地看出, 我们非常重视病人和医务人员的安全. You’ll grow confident in your abilities as you learn from some of the best faculty and professionals in the field.

这个学士学位是2加2课程, in which you spend the first two years on Concordia’s campus taking prerequisite 类 prior to entry into the Radiologic Technology (RT) program. You’ll then apply for the next phase that consists of didactic courses and clinical experience with our accredited partner programs. It is worth noting that this is a competitive program, so acceptance is not guaranteed. 提高十大正规赌博平台大全排行机会, 我们希望你能表现出模范的成绩, 以前的医疗保健经验, 工作见习时间.

Because the pre-professional curriculum requires about 61 credits (14-16 credits per semester if taken in 4 semesters), 我们强烈建议利用暑假来完成课程要求. Once accepted into the professional phase of the program, the more advanced work begins. 起初, you are going to spend most of your time in the classroom and scan laboratory, 减少在诊所的时间. This is to provide you with the theories and principles to ground you before applying them in a real-world environment. Gradually, your classroom time will be reduced as your clinical component increases. You’ll have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning through Ascension.


有了这个学位, you will be a key part of the health care field by safely creating images needed to check for bone fractures, 血管阻塞, 乳腺组织的异常生长, 脑部肿瘤, 还有更多. Upon graduation, you will be ready to find a rewarding career in a variety of settings. 校友们继续在医院工作, 医生的办公室, 医疗和诊断实验室, 做研究, 政府, 教育, 还有更多!

了解更多十大正规赌博平台大全过去几年的项目成果 在这里.

  • 安阿伯

